%0 Journal Article %T Investigation of Wound Healing Properties of Aqueous Extracts of Caucasus Herbs at Diabetes Mellitus %A Alexandra Sergeevna Tsiganock %A Anastasiia Evgenevna Bgantseva %A Viktoria Romanovna Vostrikova %A Daniil Sergeevich Shevel %A Azman Ilesovna Saidarova %A Ilishan Magamedovich Bekbuzarov %A Tagir Kurbanovich Kurbanov %A Saida Muradinovna Shadova %J Archives of Pharmacy Practice %@ 2320-5210 %D 2024 %V 15 %N 4 %R 10.51847/J9Uuh2bq3a %P 39-44 %X Today, diabetes mellitus is one of the most common pathologies that leads to severe systemic complications. In this article, we studied the regenerative processes of an infected wound in hyperglycemia using dosage forms based on plant raw materials Acacia nilotica, Cyperus rotundus, Trigonella foenumgraecum, and Cymbopogon proximus. A model of dexamethasone-induced hyperglycemia was experimentally reproduced, followed by the creation of a wound and double application of Streptococcus epidermidis-infected material from a patient with streptoderma to the wound area. During the study, we found that the use of aqueous emulsions containing Acacia nilotica, Trigonella foenumgraecum, Cyperus rotundus, and Cymbopogon proximus has a positive effect on dysmetabolic disorders that occur during experimental dexamethasone-induced hyperglycemia (activity of hepatic transaminases decreases, blood glucose levels normalize), peripheral blood composition is optimized (the level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, leukopenia is leveled). Such shifts create a favorable background for the course of reparative processes against the background of dexamethasone-induced damage, which inhibits the course of regenerative processes. %U https://archivepp.com/article/investigation-of-wound-healing-properties-of-aqueous-extracts-of-caucasus-herbs-at-diabetes-mellitus-fexdjmevvowseif