Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 4

A Review of the Effectiveness of the Role of Various Components in Medical Education

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Determining the components of education effectiveness, evaluating the performance of teachers, and presenting a picture of its strengths and weaknesses, give appropriate feedback to policymakers, planners, and those involved in the education system. Therefore, the current research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of education from the point of view of professors and students of medical sciences. In this review, articles published between 2010-2023 were examined. An electronic search was conducted using the keywords “Education Effectiveness”, and “Medical Sciences” in PubMed, Scopus, Ovid, Science Direct, Elsevier, and ProQuest. Six key indicators of the success of medical science education were found in the reviewed studies' results. These indicators were the teacher's communication power, the teacher's characteristics, the teaching method, the characteristics of the students, scholarly research, and the teaching environment. Taking into account the research findings, it is suggested that the effectiveness indicators of education should be introduced to all professors, and also, in the evaluation of professors, the mentioned areas should be taken into consideration according to priority, and based on that, objective and valid evaluation forms should be designed and implemented so that the ultimate goal of the evaluation, which is to improve the quality of education, is to facilitate.

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How to cite:
Noor C, Hozan CT, Vîlceanu N, Bonțea MG. A Review of the Effectiveness of the Role of Various Components in Medical Education. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(4):155-9.
Noor, C., Hozan, C. T., Vîlceanu, N., & Bonțea, M. G. (2023). A Review of the Effectiveness of the Role of Various Components in Medical Education. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(4), 155-159.

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