Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 1

A Review of the Level of Depression in Patients with Diabetes

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Depression is one of the most common diseases of psychiatrists in the world. One of the causes of depression is medical diseases such as diabetes. Depression is also one of the psychiatric disorders with symptoms such as decreased interest and energy, guilt, failure, distraction, problems in concentration, self-loathing, anorexia, thoughts of death and suicide, insomnia, or Disturbances and disturbances in functioning are identified. Diabetic patients may suffer from mood disorders, including depression, due to this disease. This study aimed to review depression in patients with diabetes. Suffering from depression, in addition to aggravating the symptoms of diabetes, causes self-destructive symptoms such as overeating, overdrinking, not taking medications, or committing suicide, which disrupts the diabetes treatment process. So far, many studies have been done on the prevalence of depression in diabetic patients, which has identified that the prevalence of depression in diabetic patients is much higher than that of normal people, as well as the prevalence of depression in some people, such as women and Hungarians. D. Widows or divorcees, those who have a genetic history of disease. They suffer from depression more than others. It is suggested that psychiatric examination and counseling be done on these patients, especially those patients who are more prone to depression.

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How to cite:
Voiţă-Mekereş F, Popa EC, Davidescu L, Galușca D, Pop NO. A Review of the Level of Depression in Patients with Diabetes. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(1):109-11.
Voiţă-Mekereş, F., Popa, E. C., Davidescu, L., Galușca, D., & Pop, N. O. (2023). A Review of the Level of Depression in Patients with Diabetes. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(1), 109-111.

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