Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 4

A Review of the Role of Simulation-Based Training in the Operating Room

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Today, clinical simulation as an effective educational technique promotes the learning of students by providing clinical experiences in a safe environment, avoiding personal fears and weaknesses, and through interactive activities. The goal of this study is to review and introduce useful and efficient simulators for simulation-based training in an operating room. For this purpose, the keywords simulator, simulation, training, clinical training, operating room training, and simulation in the operating room were used. Articles available in PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Scopus databases were searched between 2000-2023, and among the many articles, articles that were directly related to the introduction and use of simulation-based training methods in the operating room were selected and reviewed. Owing to the importance of the operating room as an important therapeutic area, the expansion of collaborative simulation centers, the increasing acceptance of multidisciplinary, interprofessional, and multimedia educational approaches, the abundance of clinical students, the lack of patients and their different compositions, the inactivity of the patient during the examination, and the lack of providing constructive feedback in clinical environments, the use of simulation methods in operating room training is practical. If simulators and appropriate models were used to design, implement, and evaluate educational programs, the results would be more effective.

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How to cite:
Noor H, Pirvut V, Micu A, Fodor R, Matei C. A Review of the Role of Simulation-Based Training in the Operating Room. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(4):169-74.
Noor, H., Pirvut, V., Micu, A., Fodor, R., & Matei, C. (2023). A Review of the Role of Simulation-Based Training in the Operating Room. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(4), 169-174.

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