The knee is a synovial hinges-type joint, it is prone to different diseases that may lead eventually to its deterioration. The wearing of knee joint results in enormous pain that can be described as unbearable by the patient, which ultimately affects their overall well-being, their capability to take care of themself, and their social and psychological status. Knee replacement surgeries are one of the solutions that helped in changing people's lives during the past few decades. We aimed to review the literature investigating knee replacement surgeries, indications, different techniques, and assessment of success. PubMed database was used for articles selection, gathered papers had undergone a thorough review. The choice of whether the patient should undertake this kind of operation or not should be strictly tailored to each case. Despite the different suggestions of trying to make one universal criterion for knee replacement surgeries, for instance, Escobar criteria, it still can be variable due to different personal and medical specifications of the case. Different techniques of knee replacement surgeries are practiced with advantages and disadvantages for each, consequently, the choice should be made on the scientific ground and solid judgment.
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