Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 1

Asthma: Overview on Diagnostic and Management approach in Primary Health Care

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The clinical presentation of asthma and intensity of airway inflammation presents with heterogeneity. Asthma management aims to minimize the symptoms and risks of exacerbations to achieve control over the disease. Risk factors include smoking, obesity, occupational and environmental risk factors, and a genetic predisposition, among others. Asthma therapy aims to minimize the symptoms and risks of exacerbations to achieve control over the disease. Pharmacological treatment of asthma is based on an assessment and reevaluation cycle where symptoms, risk factors, comorbidities, and side effects are all examined. In this article, we aim to provide a summarized, yet comprehensive paper that discusses Asthma presentation in primary health care, and its diagnostic and management approach. The Medline, Pubmed, Embase, NCBI, and Cochrane databases were searched for studies of patients with asthma symptoms. Incidence, etiology, and management options were analyzed. Asthma is a complex and heterogenic disease originating from a multitude of gene-environment interactions. Most asthma presents type 2 inflammation, seen in allergic conditions. Asthma presents in episodes, with environmental triggers that tend to vary among asthmatics. Treatment does not cure the disease but rather the objective is to maintain control.

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Belal SHM, Jaha MJM, Alzahrani MKM, Alyamani AMA, Munshi AHA, Kalantan AAI, et al. Asthma: Overview on Diagnostic and Management approach in Primary Health Care. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(1):11-4.
Belal, S. H. M., Jaha, M. J. M., Alzahrani, M. K. M., Alyamani, A. M. A., Munshi, A. H. A., Kalantan, A. A. I., Sagr, A. A. M., Alhussaini, N. H., Alsaleh, D. H., Alghamdi, Y. K., et al. (2022). Asthma: Overview on Diagnostic and Management approach in Primary Health Care. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(1), 11-14.

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