Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 1

Awareness and Perception of the Discipline of Errors of Refraction Correction Surgery in Arar, Saudi Arabia

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Refractive error is one of the chief causes of visual damage in diverse parts of the world. To investigate the level of awareness and perception of the public regarding errors of refraction correction surgery in Arar, Northern Saudi Arabia. A total of 385 participants were recruited through convenience sampling. The participants were asked to complete a survey that consisted of questions related toknowledge, and perception of refractive surgery. The majority of participants (53%) had a high level of knowledge about refractive surgery. Family and friends were found to be the main source of information. The level of knowledge was found to be associated with the age, sex, area, and educational level of the participants. A significant proportion of participants were not aware of the existence of refractive surgery as a means of correcting errors of refraction. ophthalmologists, should play a key role in educating the public about the benefits and risks of refractive surgery. The results of this study may also be used to develop educational programs that target specific groups, such as young people and individuals with lower educational levels, to increase their awareness and understanding of refractive surgery. However, the study has some limitations, including the small sample size and the use of convenience sampling. Further research with larger samples and more diverse populations is needed to confirm these findings and to investigate the impact of refractive surgery on quality of life.

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How to cite:
Sayed SEE, Iqbal Z, Alanazi IL, Alruwaili RM, Almutairi DN, Alanazi SKA, et al. Awareness and Perception of the Discipline of Errors of Refraction Correction Surgery in Arar, Saudi Arabia. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(1):69-76.
Sayed, S. E. E., Iqbal, Z., Alanazi, I. L., Alruwaili, R. M., Almutairi, D. N., Alanazi, S. K. A., & Almateri, F. M. (2023). Awareness and Perception of the Discipline of Errors of Refraction Correction Surgery in Arar, Saudi Arabia. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(1), 69-76.

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