Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 3

Awareness of the General Population about the Effects of Smoking on Health in Saudi Arabia

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The objective of this Integrative Literature Review (ILR) is to consider the knowledge on injurious possessions of smoking amongst Saudi general population. Integrative Literature Review (ILR). The search databases for the publications used in the study are PubMed and EBSCO Information Services. Topics concerning knowledge on harmful effects of smoking among Saudi general population were used in the making of the article. No software was exploited for data analysis. The majority of Saudis are aware of the health risks associated with smoking and have seen or read the warnings on cigarette packages. Smokers were unaffected by the influence of cigarette health warnings in terms of quitting. To develop tobacco-free future generations, mass awareness campaigns against tobacco, tobacco control, and cessation measures can be implemented. Many efforts are required from health policymakers and healthcare specialists to distribute info around the dangers of smoking and the health benefits of quitting. This emphasizes the significance of educating the public about pertinent information in order to encourage positive attitudes and encourage healthy behaviors. In conclusion, this research may provide a starting point for understanding how knowledge about tobacco use can promote smoking cessation behaviors. This study emphasizes the necessity for behavior modification tactics that encourage people to adopt healthier habits and has significant ramifications for public healthcare plans while maintaining an optimistic attitude.

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How to cite:
Mahmoud IM, Alanazi SAI, Alanazi KAI, Alshamlane SKH, Alanazi SZN, Alanazi MKI. Awareness of the General Population about the Effects of Smoking on Health in Saudi Arabia. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(3):41-7.
Mahmoud, I. M., Alanazi, S. A. I., Alanazi, K. A. I., Alshamlane, S. K. H., Alanazi, S. Z. N., & Alanazi, M. K. I. (2022). Awareness of the General Population about the Effects of Smoking on Health in Saudi Arabia. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(3), 41-47.

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