Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 3

Changes in the Correlation Between Peripheral Blood Cells and Membrane Charge in Brain Gliomas and Meningiomas

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Mechanism of tumor progression in malignant gliomas and other tumors of the body were studied to identify the main pathogenetic link. Indicators of the charge of cell membranes, including the membranes of blood cells, can be considered in vein. These indicators are universal for any type of tumors, and not tissue-specific. Indicators of many significant processes in the body depend on the level of cellular charge, which emphasizes its dominant role. Interaction of reparative processes of inflammatory genesis with regenerative processes carried out by blood stem cell in relevant studies and in this study by mesenchymal blood stem cells. The interaction is under the control of the epidermal-mesenchymal transition depends on a large extent on the cellular charge of blood cell membranes. The paper presents the correlation features between the pools of cells of inflammatory and regenerative origin (leukocytes, lymphocytes, granulocytes, and monocytes), the charges of their membranes in gliomas of III grade of malignancy and meningiomas of I grade of malignancy studied in vitro. Membrane charges were determined indirectly, through the level of aggregation of blood cells, using the surface plasmon resonance method where the aggregation expressed in arbitrary SPR units. To detect a latent correlation, low concentrations of verapamil hydrochloride (10,000-fold dilution) were added to the blood samples before determining the level of cell aggregation and the samples were exposed to low-level laser radiation with an oscillation frequency of 1.2 Hz. Results indicate the great importance of maintaining a normal, rather than reduced, level of cell membrane charge.

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Pedachenko Y, Gridina N, Rozumenko V, Samoylov A, Khrystosenko R, Zvyagintseva T, et al. Changes in the Correlation Between Peripheral Blood Cells and Membrane Charge in Brain Gliomas and Meningiomas. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(3):92-7.
Pedachenko, Y., Gridina, N., Rozumenko, V., Samoylov, A., Khrystosenko, R., Zvyagintseva, T., Gryazov, A., Myronchenko, S., Kot, L., & Ganna, K. (2022). Changes in the Correlation Between Peripheral Blood Cells and Membrane Charge in Brain Gliomas and Meningiomas. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(3), 92-97.

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