Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 1

Clinical Properties and Efficacy of MTA VS Biodentine VS GIC in Repairing Root Perforations



Root perforation is any condition be it pathologic or accidental exposure that leads to direct communication between pulp and periodontal as a result of reabsorption, iatrogenic, or dental caries. The study aims to establish the efficacy and clinal properties of MTA, Biodentine, and GIC in repairing root perforations. The systematic review was the method that was used and articles were selected from previous kinds of literature abiding by the inclusion and exclusion criteria to ensure that only articles with relevant information are considered for review. This systematic review utilized the Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The focused question is: which material is the most effective in repairing root perforations between MTA, Biodentine, and GIC. The findings show that biodentine was preferred more t than MTA and GIC since most of the studies roots for biodentine. Biodentine reports better clinical outcomes compared to GIC and MTA in repairing root perforations. The systematic review uncovered that most of the previous researches found biodentine to exhibit better clinical outcomes. Therefore, clinical practices can leverage this study to guarantee better clinical outcomes when dealing with root perforation repair.

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How to cite:
Abualhasan HM, Alhussain BS. Clinical Properties and Efficacy of MTA VS Biodentine VS GIC in Repairing Root Perforations. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(1):53-7.
Abualhasan, H. M., & Alhussain, B. S. (2022). Clinical Properties and Efficacy of MTA VS Biodentine VS GIC in Repairing Root Perforations. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(1), 53-57.

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