Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 2

Clinical Success, Patients’ Satisfaction and Dentoalveolar Changes After Using Twin Block and Bionator Appliances: Systematic Review



The twin block and the bionator from Balters are two of the most widely utilized functional appliances available today. While they are both tooth-borne, the twin block is designed to be worn full-time and operates all functional forces, including mastication forces, used to the dentition. The impacts of these appliances have yet to be compared in many researches.

In summary, the studies presented various findings related to the effectiveness of Bionator and Twin Block appliances in treating Class II malocclusions. Twin Block was observed to have positive effects on mandibular growth, overjet reduction, molar correction, and incisor proclination, while both appliances were found to induce changes in temporomandibular joint position. However, there were no significant differences in skeletal and dental effects between Bionator and Twin Block, and both caused significant soft tissue changes. A literature review suggested that Twin Block appliances enhance mandibular development, but there is ongoing debate about the causes of mandibular growth and the role of patient compliance in device effectiveness. Additionally, a cephalometric analysis revealed no significant differences between Twin Block and Bionator in specific angles.

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How to cite:
Bahamid AA, AlHudaithi FS. Clinical Success, Patients’ Satisfaction and Dentoalveolar Changes After Using Twin Block and Bionator Appliances: Systematic Review. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(2):147-52.
Bahamid, A. A., & AlHudaithi, F. S. (2023). Clinical Success, Patients’ Satisfaction and Dentoalveolar Changes After Using Twin Block and Bionator Appliances: Systematic Review. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(2), 147-152.

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