Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 1

Congestive Heart Failure: Diagnosis and Management in Primary Health Care

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Heart failure disease has been one of the major chronic cardiovascular diseases that cause morbidity, mortality, and hospitalization of all cardiac patients. Heart failure has a significantly increased lifetime risk of development is about 20%. Symptomatic predictions are usually non-specific and hardly can discriminate the occurrence of heart failure from other diseases. It represents a challenging problem because of its economical and medical burden on the health care system. However, the management and presentation of a patient with heart failure remain in the fields of doubt. This review will highlight the importance of diagnosing and managing Congestive heart failure patients for primary health care physicians. This review was collected and classified from eligible published English written documents, articles, clinical trials. This electronic research engine was included: PubMed. This review discussed the diagnosis and management of Congestive heart failure and the details regarding this topic including definitions classifications, were included in this review. The primary care physician approach is often concerned with traditional palliative therapies before worsening the condition and plans to assess different reports regarding heart failure patients throughout their follow-up schedules.

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How to cite:
Altukhays IA, Alosaimi SH, Alotaibi MA, Zamzami AA, Slais ZA, Zainaldeen AMA, et al. Congestive Heart Failure: Diagnosis and Management in Primary Health Care. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(1):1-4.
Altukhays, I. A., Alosaimi, S. H., Alotaibi, M. A., Zamzami, A. A., Slais, Z. A., Zainaldeen, A. M. A., Hakami, L. H., Saber, B. F. A., Alrashidi, A. S. I., Alraddadi, K. S., et al. (2022). Congestive Heart Failure: Diagnosis and Management in Primary Health Care. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(1), 1-4.

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