Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 2

Coronavirus Disease 2019 Risk Factors in Karun, Iran: A Case-Control Study

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The infection of the Sars-coV-2 virus (Covid-19) is now regarded as a pandemic. However, a globally inclusive examination concerning this infection is not accounted for. As a result, this study attempted to investigate the disease's risk factors to improve control and prevention. The illness risk variables were assessed in this case-control study, which included 721 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 and 2083 people in the control group. Logistic regression was used to assess all of the data statistically. COVID-19 was linked to cardiovascular disease (P = 0, OR = 4.9), hypertension (P = 0, OR = 6.4), diabetes (P = 0, OR = 7.1), occupational health and treatment (P = 0, OR = 92), and contact with COVID-19 patients (P = 0, OR = 438), according to the results of logistic regression. Underlying illnesses linked to Covid-19, such as hypertension, a history of cardiac disease, diabetes, occupational health, and direct contact with a Covid-19 patient, were found to have a link to our findings in this study.

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Keshavarzian E, Khalifpour Y, Mousavi S, Biranvand N. Coronavirus Disease 2019 Risk Factors in Karun, Iran: A Case-Control Study. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(2):66-8.
Keshavarzian, E., Khalifpour, Y., Mousavi, S., & Biranvand, N. (2022). Coronavirus Disease 2019 Risk Factors in Karun, Iran: A Case-Control Study. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(2), 66-68.

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