Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 4

Cupcakes Preparation from Resistant Starch as Alternative Fat for Children and Treating Obesity in Mice


This study examined resistant starch at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% as an alternative fat with 10% chickpeas added separately to make cupcakes. Nutritional analysis of raw ingredients, sensory assessment, texture profile analysis (TPA), physical qualities of cupcakes and mouse obesity treatment with cupcake formulae examined. Chickpeas exhibited a greatest chemical composition and total phenolic and flavonoid concentrations at 28.75, 7.34, 5.74, and 7.32%. On dry weight, 265.35 mg/100 GAE and 104.46 mg/100g QE. Resistance starch had highest dry weight in insoluble and soluble dietary fiber at 38.79, 25.89, and 12.90%. As resistant starch grew, cupcake texture profile analysis increased. Acid, thiobarbituric, and peroxide acid values changed by how long resistant starch was stored and the amount used as a fat substitute. A biochemical investigation indicated that obese mice with 50% shortening substituted for fat had lower blood lipid profiles and estimated atherogenic indexes than controls but higher HDL cholesterol. Liver functions showed that groups fed on 10 to 50% resistant starch as a fat replacer in the obese rats' group decreased gradually from 35.14 to 25.37 mg/dl in ALP, from 15.66 to 7.94 mg/dl in AST and from 61.25 to 32.75 mg/dl in ALK. Up to 50% resistant starch as an alternative shortening in cupcake recipes was proven by antioxidant enzymes including GSH, SOD, CAT and MDA from obese rats. Resistance starch as a replacement fat until 50% alternative shortening and 10% chickpeas, which have high antioxidants as a dietary supplement to prevent and treat obesity-related disorders.

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How to cite:
Al-lbban AM. Cupcakes Preparation from Resistant Starch as Alternative Fat for Children and Treating Obesity in Mice. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(4):114-22.
Al-lbban, A. M. (2023). Cupcakes Preparation from Resistant Starch as Alternative Fat for Children and Treating Obesity in Mice. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(4), 114-122.

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