Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 1

Dental Abscess Literature Review on Diagnosis and Management of Dental Abscess

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Odontogenic infections can result from several conditions, such as pulp necrosis, periodontal disease, pericoronitis, trauma, or surgery. The three types of odontogenic or dental abscesses are endodontal or periapical, periodontal, and pericoronal, depending on where the infection first developed. Periodontal abscesses, which are particularly common in people with untreated periodontal disease and in periodontal patients during maintenance, are the third most frequent dental emergency. There are two main types of etiologies that can be distinguished based on how they relate to periodontal pockets. Studies involving people who had non-alcoholic fatty liver disease were looked for in the Medline, Pubmed, Embase, NCBI, and Cochrane databases. Incidence, etiology, and management options were analyzed. An easily treatable and frequently preventable condition is a dental abscess. Dental treatment will be necessary if an abscess extends beyond the tooth because antibiotics by themselves are ineffective in treating it. The airway may become compromised, or the infection may spread to the brain if it invades the neck or faces fascial planes. At tertiary hospitals, appropriate management protocols have been established, but morbidity and mortality still exist.

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Mady M, ALMuhanna KH, Hamdi BA, ALJazi AA, AlSayoufi MA, Qurban SA, et al. Dental Abscess Literature Review on Diagnosis and Management of Dental Abscess. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(1):108-10.
Mady, M., ALMuhanna, K. H., Hamdi, B. A., ALJazi, A. A., AlSayoufi, M. A., Qurban, S. A., AlSaiari, W. A., AlNounou, R. T., AlAnazi, F. M., AlAnazi, M. M., et al. (2022). Dental Abscess Literature Review on Diagnosis and Management of Dental Abscess. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(1), 108-110.

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