The determination of the effect of speed-strength exercises on the flexibility of 13 to 14-year-old teenagers, using a differentiated load was the aim of the study. The experiments took place at a school in Russia, 40 students aged 13-14 took part in it, they were differentiated into 2 subgroups of 20 subjects. The control group’s Schoolchildren were involved in the usual program, whilst the ones from the experimental one at each physical education lesson performed a set of speed and strength exercises for 8 minutes.
After the study, the data in the control group improved from 2% to 8%, and in the experimental group from 11% to 24%. There was a significant improvement in performance and flexibility among students who purposefully performed a set of speed and strength exercises at each physical education lesson. Physical activity should be different, based on the type of nervous system of students. For students with a strong nervous system, intensive exercise is more effective, and for students with a weak nervous system, volumetric physical activity is more effective.
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