Diabetes mellitus is a worldwide epidemic, affecting around half a billion patients and these numbers are expected to grow within the next few years and decades, Placing a huge burden on the health system worldwide, this is because the chronic hyperglycemic state is associated with multiple long-term complications including micro and macrovascular complications in addition patients may develop acute complications such as Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state, and hypoglycemia, which all may lead to fatal consequences. Our objective was to look into the literature concerning diabetes management and follow-up in particular type 2 PubMed database was used for articles selection, papers were obtained and reviewed. Management of diabetic patients should be individualized but the main principles of care are to achieve adequate glycemic control, through lifestyle modifications, pharmacological and surgical management, in addition to early identification and modification of cardiovascular risk factors that could contribute to developing atherosclerotic diseases one of the main causes of mortality, in addition to establishing scheduled follow-up appointments to screen for complication through physical examination, history taking and laboratory test.
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