Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 1

Digital Competence as a Necessary Component of the Professional Competence of Pharmaceutical Industry Employees

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The article presents the results of scientific research on the formation of digital competence of future masters of pharmacy medical (pharmaceutical) institutions of higher education. In particular, the essence of the concept of digital competence is considered and the purpose of formation of digital competence of students of pharmaceutical institutions of higher education is established. The results of the survey of employees of the pharmaceutical industry/pharmacy industry of different regions of Ukraine, which was carried out to study the readiness of graduates of pharmaceutical faculties medical (pharmaceutical) institutions of higher education to use information technology in professional activities. The results of a study conducted to establish the internal motivation to use information technology in the professional activities of pharmaceutical workers are presented. A comparison of the results of the survey on subscales: satisfaction with the activity, efforts, awareness of the competence, personal self-realization. Pearson's consistency criterion was used to establish statistically significant differences in the mean values of the studied groups. It was found that the averaging of indicators does not allow for the interpretation of the general level of motivation, but it allows to establish statistical differences in the study groups. The number of points on each subscale should be considered as an indicator of differences in the levels of internal motivation to use information technology in professional activities. The study provides grounds to argue that there is a relationship between the level of intrinsic motivation and willingness to use information technology in professional activities.

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How to cite:
Iurii K, Reva T, Stuchynska N, Pavlo M, Inna K, Chkhalo O. Digital Competence as a Necessary Component of the Professional Competence of Pharmaceutical Industry Employees. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(1):82-7.
Iurii, K., Reva, T., Stuchynska, N., Pavlo, M., Inna, K., & Chkhalo, O. (2022). Digital Competence as a Necessary Component of the Professional Competence of Pharmaceutical Industry Employees. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(1), 82-87.

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