Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 4

Effects of Fasting on Student Performance in Exams at Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia

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The creation of successful interventions to enhance university students' eating habits may be aided by an understanding of the potential relationship between food consumption and academic accomplishment. This essay investigates how Ramadan affects Muslim university students' academic performance at NBU, Arar, Saudi Arabia. A cross-sectional study was carried out by using an online administered questionnaire. The target sample was college students in Saudi Arabia. Utilizing the Social Sciences Statistical Package, data was gathered and examined (SPSS). The study included 445 participants, 78.9% of them were females and 21.1% were males. 98.9% of students fast during Ramadan. 87.4% go to university while fasting. 73% feel sleepy while fasting. 82.5% feel tired and exhausted while fasting. 73.7% feel a headache while fasting. 82.7% reported that fasting affects focus while studying (17.2% positively and 82.8% negatively). 72.6% reported that fasting affects their performance in tests (17.3% positively and 82.7% negatively). The result of tests performed while fasting was reported positive in 24.7% and negative in 44.7%. Fasting affects the academic performance of college students causing headaches, exhaustion, and disturbance of sleep schedule. However, most participants reported that fasting affects focus and performance on exams while studying (negatively more than positively).

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How to cite:
Abukanna AM, IbnIdris HO, Alenezi AMK, Alshammari FNH, Alanazi SHD, Alenezi HFB, et al. Effects of Fasting on Student Performance in Exams at Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(4):82-7.
Abukanna, A. M., IbnIdris, H. O., Alenezi, A. M. K., Alshammari, F. N. H., Alanazi, S. H. D., Alenezi, H. F. B., Alenezi, W. H. D., Alanazi, G. H. F., Aloufi, N. A. S., Alanezi, R. A. Q., et al. (2022). Effects of Fasting on Student Performance in Exams at Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(4), 82-87.

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