Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 4

Emotion Management and Social Support in Vietnam National University Students: A Case Study

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This study delves into the intricate relationship between students' perceived social support and their engagement in emotion management within the context of Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City. Drawing data from a sample of 675 participants through comprehensive surveys, this research employs a quantitative approach to unveil nuanced patterns and correlations. Findings reveal a multifaceted pattern of student emotion management behaviors, with male students demonstrating higher engagement levels, primarily utilizing strategies centered around emotional awareness and self-support. Notably, participants reported a relatively modest overall level of social support, with friends emerging as the primary source. Disparities in emotion management engagement, particularly among students in engineering disciplines, underscore the impact of academic contexts. Furthermore, the study uncovers a positive correlation between perceived social support and the frequency of engaging in emotion management behaviors, emphasizing the role of family and significant others in shaping students' emotional coping strategies. These results highlight the need for tailored interventions to enhance emotion management skills and foster robust social support networks in educational settings. To sum up, this study underscores the importance of creating a supportive environment that nurtures students' emotional well-being alongside their academic pursuits, contributing to holistic student development and highlighting the need for strategies that bolster emotion management abilities and reinforce social support structures in educational contexts.

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How to cite:
Nguyen TV, Quang MT, Phan TDN, Ta TTT. Emotion Management and Social Support in Vietnam National University Students: A Case Study. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(4):55-61.
Nguyen, T. V., Quang, M. T., Phan, T. D. N., & Ta, T. T. T. (2023). Emotion Management and Social Support in Vietnam National University Students: A Case Study. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(4), 55-61.

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