Archive \ Volume.10 2019 Issue 2

Environmental Monitoring of Bisphenol A in Ardabil’s drinking water source as san endocrine disrupting chemical

Mir Ali Rahimizad Tolon, Hamid Mirzaei, Amir Abbas Matin, Afshin Javadi, Alireza Amani-gadim

Bisphenol A is a chemical used as the monomer of epoxy resins and polycarbonate plastics. Therefore, the aim of the present study was the monitoring of Bisphenol A as an endocrine disrupter chemical in drinking water sources of Ardabil. In this research, the first step was the sampling along the Nir Chay River in four seasons, which is the main supplier of Ardabil’s drinking water. The amount of samples taken in each season from each of the 5 stations was 4 liters. Then Samples were analyzed using HPLC. In all seasons, the measured parameters values was below the standard limit. The lowest level of detection in all five sampling stations was in winter. There was not any significant quantitative relationship between the values the seasons, which may be due to other factors such as temperature and secondary inflammation caused by the presence of tourists

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