Background: The most common ENT presentation to the ER in the UK is epistaxis, which is defined as bleeding from the nose in general. This presentation has a prevalence of up to 60% of the people that will have at least one episode of epistaxis in their life. Fortunately, only around 6% will need to seek medical attention and only around 0.2% will require hospitalization. Having a great understanding of this disease is important for every clinician especially in emergency settings. Objectives: Our aim is to discuss epistaxis, its pathophysiology, causes, risk factors, and the management done for such patients in general with special focus on the emergency setting. Methodology: PubMed database was used for articles selection, and the following keys used in the MeSH ((“Epistaxis"[MeSH]) AND "Management"[MeSH])). Conclusion: Over the past years, there have been significant breakthroughs in the management of epistaxis and the physicians now have a wider variety of options. However, nowadays more classical options such as nasal packing are still applied and are easier to do. Referral of cases to the ENT is a viable option and should be considered in special cases, as well as hospitalization of epistaxis patients.
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