Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 4

Evidence-Based Treatment, assisted by Mobile Technology to Deliver, and Evidence-Based Drugs in South Asian Countries

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Individual clinical experience is combined with the best possible external clinical data from systematic research in the practice of evidence-based medicine. Data-based treatment is a complete approach to treating healthcare problems that allow the best available research evidence to be combined with clinical experience and patient choices. Evidence-based medicine's obligations to the medical industry and allied areas in terms of creating a platform for integrating research findings into healthcare delivery and raising awareness of the need to take individual patient preferences into account. In terms of culture and medical practice, South Asian countries are different. This region has little understanding of evidence-based medicine. Evidence-based medications have been adopted in some parts of South Asia, according to multiple survey data, while it is yet unknown in others. Treatments for mobile phones are fast expanding, and a preliminary study indicates that South Asian countries could benefit from this technology as well. People can benefit from digital healthcare initiatives in a variety of ways, including improved skill-training opportunities in real-world situations, continual assistance from medical practitioners, and better drug management. Evidence-based medications will become more accessible and successful as a result of the combination of Evidence-based medications with mobile technologies. It will also allow for a timelier deployment of Evidence-based medications.

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How to cite:
Wal A, Khandai M, Vig H, Srivastava P, Agarwal A, Wadhwani S, et al. Evidence-Based Treatment, assisted by Mobile Technology to Deliver, and Evidence-Based Drugs in South Asian Countries. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(4):63-73.
Wal, A., Khandai, M., Vig, H., Srivastava, P., Agarwal, A., Wadhwani, S., & Wal, P. (2022). Evidence-Based Treatment, assisted by Mobile Technology to Deliver, and Evidence-Based Drugs in South Asian Countries. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(4), 63-73.

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