Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 2

Gender Differences in Chronic Kidney Disease. Findings from a Two Center Study in Nigeria

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Gender differences have been known to exist both in physiologic and pathological states including kidney disease. There is a need to be well acquitted with these differences to enhance preventive and curative strategies for kidney diseases. One hundred and forty-four participants with chronic kidney disease, stage 3 to non-dialytic 5 had urine, blood, and radiological investigations to assess albuminuria, kidney function, and sizes. The findings were compared on a gender basis. Eighty-two males and 62 females participated. The mean age of the males and females were 47.9 ± 16.8 years and 50.5 ± 14.73 years respectively. A greater proportion of participants 65 years and older were females. Chronic interstitial nephritis was more common in females while chronic glomerulonephritis was more common in males. Hyponatremia, metabolic acidosis, and hyperphosphatemia were more common in females. Men used vitamin D analogs and erythropoietin more than women while women used sodium bicarbonate and phosphate binders more than men. Aging (OR-3.28, CI-2.69-387), hyponatremia (OR-4.74, CI-2.10-6.33), hypoalbuminemia ((OR-4.56, CI-3.45-7.49)), and metabolic acidosis (OR-4.14, CI-1.46-4.92) were independently associated with the female gender. Gender differences exist in the risk profile, epidemiology, laboratory findings, and response to treatment of CKD sufferers. Women had more hyponatremia and hyperphosphatemia while men had higher albumin and kidney sizes. Gender partitioned median range cut-offs of some variables would be needed for effective prevention, treatment, and follow-up of CKD sufferers.

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How to cite:
Uduagbamen PK, AdebolaYusuf AO, Ahmed SI, Thompson MU, Alalade BA, Ogunmola MI, et al. Gender Differences in Chronic Kidney Disease. Findings from a Two Center Study in Nigeria. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(2):69-77.
Uduagbamen, P. K., AdebolaYusuf, A. O., Ahmed, S. I., Thompson, M. U., Alalade, B. A., Ogunmola, M. I., Falana, T. E., Omokore, O. A., & Emmanuel, C. C. (2022). Gender Differences in Chronic Kidney Disease. Findings from a Two Center Study in Nigeria. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(2), 69-77.

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