Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 3

Impact of Palliative Care for Dementia Patients in Tertiary Hospitals among Saudi Arabia: A Systemic Review

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Dementia has been considered an alarming disease that is characterized by cognitive decline. There are many etiological factors of dementia including neuropsychiatric, neurodegenerative, and many other medical conditions. In the advanced phase, people with dementia are completely dependent on their carers. The prevalence rate of dementia in Saudia Arabia and Gulf countries is poorly defined. Certain medications for dementia are available. However, palliative care is considered a better process to regulate dementia. The current study was designed to assess the palliative care of dementia patients in tertiary care hospitals and to evaluate the facilities for a plan of management (whether local or international). Further, the patient, the family satisfaction, and the corporation between the patient’s family and the physician were assessed. Specific key search terms including Dementia and Saudi Arabia, Palliative care of dementia patients in tertiary care hospitals, and patient and family satisfaction were used for data retrieval to get precise literature. Results showed that very fewer data about palliative care is available in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, very little data was available for palliative care at tertiary hospitals. Furthermore, when patients’ satisfaction with palliative care was observed, data from the literature showed that palliative care is satisfying for both patients and caregivers, due to the involvement of multiple healthcare staff.

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How to cite:
Al Mani TYA, Sallam AMA, Aldosary RA, AlGhamdi JA, Ghulam BMI, Shamah WF. Impact of Palliative Care for Dementia Patients in Tertiary Hospitals among Saudi Arabia: A Systemic Review. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(3):134-40.
Al Mani, T. Y. A., Sallam, A. M. A., Aldosary, R. A., AlGhamdi, J. A., Ghulam, B. M. I., & Shamah, W. F. (2022). Impact of Palliative Care for Dementia Patients in Tertiary Hospitals among Saudi Arabia: A Systemic Review. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(3), 134-140.

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