Archive \ Volume.11 2020 Issue 1

Influence of Doctrines of Protective Victimology on Developments of Criminal Procedure Focusing on the International Documents

Shahram Aqalar, Qodratollah Khosrowshahi, Mohamadkhalil Salehi

One of the approaches in the science of criminology and its subsets is protective victimology that has cleared a room for itself as an independent field of study in criminal sciences. Given the fact that this approach is rapidly internationalized following the process of globalization of this field of study, this work in the domain of the international policy making has turned to the focal point and basic concerns of the criminal policy. The goal of protective victimology is protection of those victims who not only had no role in the crime rather suffered sometimes irrepairable damages. Although in numerous cases in Iranian criminal laws a special attention has been paid to the rights of the victims, these laws are faced with numerous challenges and deficiencies in relation to the protection of the special victims. The legislator by legislation of unsystematic laws has left in suspense the researchers of the criminal law in understanding the criminal policty of Iran in relation to the special victims.

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