Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 3

Innovation Research in the Field of Nursing: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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Change in healthcare needs requires the creation of innovative strategies. Although this situation causes better quality care in nursing; unexpected changes pose a high risk for patients. This meta-analysis was conducted to determine innovation in nursing. In this study, GOOGLE SCHOLER, MEDLINE, TÜRKMEDLINE, ULAKBİM, CINAHL databases were used. In this context, ten studies published between January 2009 and February 2020 were found. The studies were crawled with the keywords "nurse", "nursing" and "innovation". As a result of the screening, 856 studies were reached. Ten studies were examined in the research. Of the study; four were descriptive cross-sectional and descriptive, one was descriptive correlation and correlation type. The number of samples in the studies is between 165 and 1040, and almost all of the studies; demographic information form, in addition to the individual innovation scale; It was determined that scales such as readiness scale for online learning, barriers to innovation, entrepreneurship tendency scale, inventory of online information search strategies, entrepreneurship scale and California critical thinking tendency scale were used. In these studies; innovation has a positive effect on research strategies, being inquisitive and open to entrepreneurship, and critical thinking disposition. It is recommended to use teaching methods that enable educational content to be creative, entrepreneurial, to create an innovative perspective, to increase critical thinking trends, to conduct studies with high level of evidence in which nurses' innovation features and influencing factors are evaluated.

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How to cite:
Sanlier NB, Cinar F, Aslan FE. Innovation Research in the Field of Nursing: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(3):125-31.
Sanlier, N. B., Cinar, F., & Aslan, F. E. (2023). Innovation Research in the Field of Nursing: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(3), 125-131.

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