Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 1

Intestinal Obstruction as a Postoperative Complication, A Narrative Review

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Post-operative bowel obstruction, whether functional or mechanical, was a frequent and serious issue that may prevent the resumption of bowel movement and is a major cause of prolonged hospital stays and growing healthcare costs. Numerous different aetiologies are taken into account, even though adhesions are the primary cause of SBOs in the early postoperative period. This review explains the EPSBO condition, describes its unique clinical characteristics, and provides a balanced diagnostic and restorative approach. Post-operative intestinal barriers may even increase the risk of patient illness and mortality following abdominal surgery, according to past studies. Post-operative bowel blockage can be categorised according to how long it has been since the initial surgery. It was clear that the earliest intestinal obstruction following surgery occurred within the first 30 days. If a patient is unable to eat, pass gas, or empty their bowels within five days of having a laparotomy, they are said to have a persistent ileus or EPSBO. The absurdity The obstacle is the more likely diagnosis if the patient has previously discharged flatus or faeces and is still doing so.

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How to cite:
Sajid NW, AlAnazi MOA, AlAnazi THM, AlKahtani ASA, AlRakhimi ASO. Intestinal Obstruction as a Postoperative Complication, A Narrative Review. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(1):99-103.
Sajid, N. W., AlAnazi, M. O. A., AlAnazi, T. H. M., AlKahtani, A. S. A., & AlRakhimi, A. S. O. (2022). Intestinal Obstruction as a Postoperative Complication, A Narrative Review. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(1), 99-103.

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