Adipokine chemerin is a pre-inflammation associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome. The present study aimed to investigate the changes in the plasma levels of chemerin of women with overweight and obese during a period of training on a cycle-ergometer. This study was quasi-experimental type and was performed on 22 overweight and obese women (BMI>25Kg/m2) who were within the age range of 30-45 in Zahedan. Subjects were selected targeted and using permuted block randomization was divided into two groups of subjects including training groups and control groups. The training protocol that was performed lasted for 8 weeks (3 sessions per week) by cycling on a cycle-ergometer (60-75% heart rate reserve) with a duration of 16 to 30 minutes. Blood samples were collected in two stages before and after the same conditions to measure plasma levels of chemerin. To analyze the results, t-test, ANOVA, covariance, and Kruskal-Wallis analysis were used at a significant level of α <0.05. Intra-group comparisons showed that 8 weeks of aerobic exercise with ergometer bicycle in addition to a significant reduction of obesity-related factors significantly reduced plasma levels of chemerin in training groups (p=0.002). A significant difference between the changes in plasma levels of chemerin of the studied groups was observed during the inter-group comparison. To reduce the pre-inflammatory factor of chemerin and obesity-related factors in overweight and obese women, training on the cycle-ergometer has been considered as a preventive approach.
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