Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 4

Investigation of Surgical Smoke Exposure and Well-Being Levels of Operating Room Workers in the COVID-19 Pandemic



This study was conducted to determine operating room workers' thoughts and personal well-being levels about surgical smoke exposure during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This descriptive study was conducted between May-June 2022. The research was completed with 82 operating room employees in a public hospital in Istanbul. Research data were collected using a questionnaire about sociodemographic characteristics, surgical smoke, and the Personal Well-Being Scale. Descriptive statistics were used in the analysis of the data. 89% of the individuals included in the study thought they were exposed to surgical smoke. Individuals exposed to surgical smoke; had a headache (45.1), cough (11%), burning in the throat (31.7%), eye irritation (56.1%), tearing (34.1) and respiratory problems (20.7%). Employees use surgical masks (74.4%), aspiration catheters (59.8%), gowns (74.4%), goggles (74.4%), filters (35.4), and filtration masks (6.1) to protect themselves from surgical smoke. In addition, it was determined that they wanted to receive education about surgical smoke (93.9%). It was determined that the mean score of the Personal Well-Being Scale was X̄ =41.76. In the pandemic process, it has been determined that the measures taken to prevent surgical smoke in operating rooms are insufficient, the employees experience many symptoms, and their well-being is low. Efforts should be made to reduce and possibly eliminate fumes from the operating room. Cost-effective forms of smoke extraction need to be investigated. There is also a need for studies on the sequelae of exposure to operating room smoke in personnel who have been exposed to operating room smoke for a long time.

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How to cite:
Cinar F, Sanlier NB. Investigation of Surgical Smoke Exposure and Well-Being Levels of Operating Room Workers in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(4):97-101.
Cinar, F., & Sanlier, N. B. (2022). Investigation of Surgical Smoke Exposure and Well-Being Levels of Operating Room Workers in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(4), 97-101.

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