Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 2

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Hand Hygiene among HCWs at KSAMC in Madinah City, Saudi Arabia

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Maintaining great hand hygiene is the most efficient and straightforward way to reduce the likelihood of hospital-associated illnesses; nonetheless, improving hand hygiene is a crucial intervention to achieve one of the patient safety goals in a healthcare context. At King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Medical City (KSAMC) in Madinah City, the study aims to examine the knowledge, attitudes, and practises of healthcare professionals (HCWs) on hand hygiene procedures. The study was conducted at King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Medical City (KSAMC) in Madinah, a tertiary care hospital with over 1200 beds. All data items were entered in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (IBM SPSS-ver22). Descriptive statistics (percent and number) and a p-value <0.05.

The study included 604 participants, 65.9% of them were females and 34.1% were males. 62.7% of the studied sample aged between 20- 30 years old. 63.4% of participants had good knowledge of hand hygiene, 32.5% had moderate knowledge and 4.1% had poor knowledge. Regarding attitude, 59.8% of participants had a positive attitude toward hand hygiene, 39.1% had a neutral attitude and 1.2% had a negative attitude. As for practice, only 7.5% of participants had good practice scores, 82.9% had neutral practice and 9.6% had poor practice. A significant association was found between knowledge, attitude, and practice scores with participants’ age, job title, and years of experience (P <0.05). Saudi healthcare workers exhibited moderate knowledge and attitude toward hand hygiene.

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How to cite:
Almashadi SS, Shibl AM, Ghalilah KM, Alahmadi DY, Jorob SM, Jorob SM, et al. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Hand Hygiene among HCWs at KSAMC in Madinah City, Saudi Arabia. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(2):127-39.
Almashadi, S. S., Shibl, A. M., Ghalilah, K. M., Alahmadi, D. Y., Jorob, S. M., Jorob, S. M., & Dirar, Q. S. E. (2023). Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Hand Hygiene among HCWs at KSAMC in Madinah City, Saudi Arabia. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(2), 127-139.

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