Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 3

Longevity of Posterior Composite Restorations and Their Reasons for Failure: A Systematic Review

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The decision-making process determines how long repairs last. Recent evidence suggests that other variables have a predominant impact on the clinical efficacy of composite restorations, as the current restorative composites are not the issue anymore. Age, caries and occlusal stress risk, socioeconomic position, and occupational characteristics (gender, clinical experience) may be some of these. Using databases including PubMed, Medline, and ScienceDirect, a systematic review of the literature spanning 2010 to 2022 was conducted. "Posterior composite," "longevity of composites," and "composite failure" were the main phrases employed. The PRISMA flow chart shows the procedure for selecting articles to be searched. The quality of the included studies was assessed using the Cochrane method for assessing the risk of bias. A total of 9 studies were incorporated after thorough screening and a majority of them revealed highly satisfactory longevity and lower failure rate of posterior composite restorations. composites can be successfully placed for posterior cavities, whereas, the operator’s experience and the use of fiber post are the most significant factors in determining the longevity.

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Ansari SH, Alkhalil G, Alhaj S. Longevity of Posterior Composite Restorations and Their Reasons for Failure: A Systematic Review. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(3):14-20.
Ansari, S. H., Alkhalil, G., & Alhaj, S. (2023). Longevity of Posterior Composite Restorations and Their Reasons for Failure: A Systematic Review. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(3), 14-20.

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