Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 1

Medical and Pharmaceutical Care of the Wounded and Injured

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In the course of conducting analytical studies, it was established that possible damage to a person with modern combat weapons causes severe injuries to the cavities, and musculoskeletal system, which is accompanied by massive bleeding, traumatic shock and requires urgent surgical assistance, often already at the site of the injury, rapid transportation to medical institutions, staged surgical - intensive care treatment and evacuation to specialized military medical centers. The course of injuries by high-energy weapons is accompanied by wound disease with early and late complications. The final stage of medical care for the wounded and injured is complex therapeutic and psychological rehabilitation with the restoration of working capacity and fighting capacity. Of course, the treatment of modern combat trauma cannot be separated from rehabilitation measures. Therefore, the treatment and rehabilitation of military personnel is an urgent issue that is facing both military and civilian medicine and social security services today.The evolutionary process of scientific and technical progress in the development of medicine and pharmacy shows the relevance of the task of treating wounds and wound infections. Along with the improvement of wound treatment methods, the means of inflicting wounds and injuries - weapons - are also improved.

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Tatiana O, Anna L, Volodymyr T, Alina K, Victoria T. Medical and Pharmaceutical Care of the Wounded and Injured. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(1):92-8.
Tatiana, O., Anna, L., Volodymyr, T., Alina, K., & Victoria, T. (2023). Medical and Pharmaceutical Care of the Wounded and Injured. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(1), 92-98.

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