Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 2

Overview of Respiratory Care of the Neonate, Review Article

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Respiratory care is consequently the main issue that has to be well comprehended and explored. Lung pathologies in newborns are distinct from many others that are very recently understood. To maximize mechanical ventilation and avoid ventilator-induced lung injury, a variety of additional ventilation modes and procedures may be applied. When ventilating newborns, there are many important considerations that must be made, including the use of an appropriate-sized endotracheal tube to lessen airway resistance and work of breathing, positioning of the patient, nursing care, respiratory kinesiotherapy, infection prevention, and the prevention and treatment of complications like air leaks and hemorrhage. Respiratory care for severely unwell neonates has gradually switched from invasive to noninvasive methods. Numerous significant advancements in recent years have increased our understanding of how changes in newborn resuscitation methods relate to clinically significant results. Despite a decrease in the number of newborns needing intubation and mechanical ventilation, the most seriously ill infants, such as those with respiratory distress syndrome, still need intubation and ventilation. This review has lately explored volume-targeted ventilation as well as several other approaches.

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How to cite:
Alanazi SMH, Alanazi IZ, Almazyad LT, Alanazi MA, Alanazi SA, Alenezi HM, et al. Overview of Respiratory Care of the Neonate, Review Article. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(2):153-62.
Alanazi, S. M. H., Alanazi, I. Z., Almazyad, L. T., Alanazi, M. A., Alanazi, S. A., Alenezi, H. M., ALshammari, H. A., & Alanazi, R. A. K. (2023). Overview of Respiratory Care of the Neonate, Review Article. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(2), 153-162.

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