Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 3

Overview on Screening and Prevalence of Ovarian Neoplasms in Saudi Arabia

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One of the main health issues facing general practitioners in general and gynecologists in particular is ovarian tumors. Ovarian cancer is the second most prevalent malignancy of the female reproductive system and the fifth leading cause of cancer-related death in women. The majority of instances are discovered when the disease has already progressed even though the majority of early discovered neoplasms are benign which emphasizes the importance of early detection.                 The study aims to summarize current evidence regarding screening and the prevalence of ovarian neoplasms among Saudi women. For article selection, the PubMed database and EBSCO Information Services were used. All relevant articles relevant to our topic and other articles were used in our review. Other articles that were not related to this field were excluded. The data was extracted in a specific format that was reviewed by the group members. In the present study We found that a total of eight studies, which focused on the prevalence of ovarian cancers in various regions in Saudi Arabia. Malignant ovarian neoplasms are less frequent than benign ones. Serous cystadenoma and serous cystadenocarcinoma are the most prevalent benign and malignant ovarian neoplasms, respectively. Malignant ovarian neoplasms are more common as people get older. Most neoplastic ovarian tumors in children and adolescents are benign. The greatest rates of ASIR were found in Riyadh, Jouf, and Asir, whereas Jazan and Hail had the lowest rates.

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Morcy HMH, Almatrafi NDA, Bedaiwi AAA, Almijlad AAM, Bedaiwi SKA, Alsharif NAN. Overview on Screening and Prevalence of Ovarian Neoplasms in Saudi Arabia. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(3):98-104.
Morcy, H. M. H., Almatrafi, N. D. A., Bedaiwi, A. A. A., Almijlad, A. A. M., Bedaiwi, S. K. A., & Alsharif, N. A. N. (2022). Overview on Screening and Prevalence of Ovarian Neoplasms in Saudi Arabia. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(3), 98-104.

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