Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 3

Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease and Associated Risk Factors among Adult Population Attending Fitness Center/Gymnasium in Arar

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Cardiovascular disease is the most frequent cause of death in Saudi Arabia; next to road traffic accidents. Both resistance and aerobic exercises provide the greatest benefits as the best exercise modality for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. To determine the prevalence of cardiovascular disease and associated risk factors among the adult population attending the Fitness center/Gymnasium in Arar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In a randomized cross-sectional prospective study, unselected adult population attending a Fitness center/Gymnasium in Arar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was screened for Obesity, Diabetes mellitus, and hypertension and its risk factors. The outcomes of this study were analyzed using the SPSS program using a pre-tested questionnaire. The study included 213 participants more than half of them 57.7% 20-30 years old, 63.8% females, and 36.2% males. 72.3% of participants joined the club for general health and fitness, 33.8% to lose weight, and 22.1% to spend spare time. Only 10.8% had been diagnosed with high blood pressure. 89.2% correctly answered that practicing physical activity can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. 84% said that walking can prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease and 68.5% said that usual physical activity for 150 minutes a week will reduce your chance of having a heart attack or stroke. Participants showed good awareness of cardiovascular disease risk factors among participants which was in the same line with other reported studies. Also, they know the role of physical activity in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease risk.

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How to cite:
Agarwal A, Fazeel RH, Rahman HEA, Alenezi AMK, Alshammari DAS, Alenzi MHE, et al. Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease and Associated Risk Factors among Adult Population Attending Fitness Center/Gymnasium in Arar. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(3):127-33.
Agarwal, A., Fazeel, R. H., Rahman, H. E. A., Alenezi, A. M. K., Alshammari, D. A. S., Alenzi, M. H. E., Albalawi, T. A., Alenezi, Y. M. K., & Alenazi, R. H. E. (2022). Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease and Associated Risk Factors among Adult Population Attending Fitness Center/Gymnasium in Arar. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(3), 127-133.

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