Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 2

Review of Duloxetine Use in the Management of Stress Urinary Incontinence and Students’ Survey

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The goal of this study is to assess the knowledge and opinion of students regarding the off-label use of duloxetine in the treatment of SUI. The Survey questions were provided during the Drug Information Course at Howard University (HU) College of Pharmacy in a class where first-year pharmacy students learn how to conduct a literature search and a survey. A total of 39 students responded to the survey. There were more females (n=23; 56.1%) with an age range between 18 – 24 years. About two-thirds (n=29; 70.7%) had a four-year degree before starting the pharmacy program. Overall, participants scored less than the passing 70% mark on the knowledge questions, which may call for educators to make a special effort to incorporate off-label and approved indications of medication teaching therapeutic-related courses. For example, more than sixty percent of respondents (n=25; 61%) incorrectly stated that duloxetine is a narrow therapeutic drug. The majority (n=; 34; 82.9%) of the participants responded wrongly that urinary incontinence is more common in women during their childbearing age. The opinion survey showed that most participants (n=25; 61%) did not believe there were many FDA-approved effective drugs for treating UI. Over sixty percent of participants (n=25; 61%) considered UI a severe illness and did not agree to use a non-approved drug such as duloxetine, although several published clinical studies support its effective use. Participants were split in their opinion regarding the non-approved use of medications. Study results suggest that students may need encouragement to explore medications with non-FDA approvals.

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How to cite:
Dairo O, Akram I, Bratcher C, Hailemeskel B. Review of Duloxetine Use in the Management of Stress Urinary Incontinence and Students’ Survey. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(2):54-8.
Dairo, O., Akram, I., Bratcher, C., & Hailemeskel, B. (2023). Review of Duloxetine Use in the Management of Stress Urinary Incontinence and Students’ Survey. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(2), 54-58.

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