Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 1

Review on Dental Implant and Infection Management Approach

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In the past few decades, the use of dental implants for oral rehabilitation has already been proven to have overall positive long-term and short-term results. However, there is a high chance of postoperative infection due to local environmental factors, hindering implant success. Postoperative infection must be treated as early as possible for the implant to succeed. The Medline, Pubmed, Embase, NCBI, and Cochrane databases were searched for describing the factors and ways that the implants can get infected and the treatments of implant infections. The inclusion criteria for this study encompassed articles relating to dental implants and infection. Articles that did not focus primarily on this topic were excluded. Additional publications that were referenced in these studies were also found and utilized. The focus was awarded to those studies which reported data on the type of antibiotics and surgical procedure applied to treat the infection. Current antibiotic-prescribing habits are in dire need of improvement in treating endodontic infections. As antibiotics tend to be overprescribed for endodontic infection management, it would be wise to introduce educational initiatives to encourage better, more coherent use.

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How to cite:
Alrakkad IA, Alrakkad RA, Altamimi MS, Alshammari NM, Alghuraymil AAS, John MAM, et al. Review on Dental Implant and Infection Management Approach. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(1):37-9.
Alrakkad, I. A., Alrakkad, R. A., Altamimi, M. S., Alshammari, N. M., Alghuraymil, A. A. S., John, M. A. M., Jalal, R. A., Alsayegh, S. Y., Linjawi, L., Otayn, W. A. K., et al. (2022). Review on Dental Implant and Infection Management Approach. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(1), 37-39.

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