Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 1

Review on Lower Back Pain Management in Primary Health Care

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One of the most common causes for people to seek emergency care is back discomfort. Numerous different probable etiologies could have an impact on both adult and pediatric populations. The etiologies can vary depending on the patient demographic, but mechanical or non specific causes are frequently cited. Back pain can be an issue that lasts from childhood into adulthood and considerably impacts disability rates. It is essential to be able to evaluate patients of all ages and recognize the distinctive variations in how these different demographics present themselves. Studies involving people who had the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease were sought after in the Medline, Pubmed, Embase, NCBI, and Cochrane databases. Analysis of incidence, etiology, and available management strategies The gap between evidence and practice in treating low back pain is significant. The remedies deemed efficient are based on scant data, yet they might be affordable and repeatable in other contexts. Focusing on fundamental concepts, such as the need to reduce unnecessary medical care for low back pain, promote people's participation in physical activity and employment, and modify ineffective patient clinical pathways and reimbursement structures, may serve as a guide for the ensuing phase.

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How to cite:
Hamdalla G, Jabbari GM, Abushegarh MY, Abulnaja YH, Dallak EE, AlHammali KA, et al. Review on Lower Back Pain Management in Primary Health Care. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(1):104-7.
Hamdalla, G., Jabbari, G. M., Abushegarh, M. Y., Abulnaja, Y. H., Dallak, E. E., AlHammali, K. A., Almomin, I. A., AlHuwaymili, A. S., AlTwalah, S. F., Hassan, A. E., et al. (2022). Review on Lower Back Pain Management in Primary Health Care. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(1), 104-107.

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