Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 2

Role of MRI in Diagnosis and Management of Stroke Cases; A Systematic Review

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It is now common practice to use neuroimaging tools, particularly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to identify the affected vascular area of a stroke patient's brain and to inform clinical treatment choices. These tools have significantly improved our ability to visualize brain structures. MRI also was known to demonstrate the size and accurate location of the bleeding. The principle of 'time is brain' guides the care of stroke victims. This notion emphasizes the significance of delivering immediate medical attention to stroke victims, which is mostly guided by MRI. We searched PubMed, Web of Science, Science Direct, EBSCO, and the Cochrane library. Rayyan QCRI was used to screen study articles by title and abstract before implementing a full-text assessment. A total of 7 studies with the main topic of MRI's role in stroke diagnosis and management were included in this review. According to the included studies, MRI is the most accurate scanning way in stroke cases. Recent developments in MRI technology have increased its use as an imaging platform in normal clinical stroke treatment.

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How to cite:
Almansour NSS, Alzamanan HY, Almutared ASM, Almansoor HHA, Alyami IAM, Alajmi SM, et al. Role of MRI in Diagnosis and Management of Stroke Cases; A Systematic Review. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(2):99-103.
Almansour, N. S. S., Alzamanan, H. Y., Almutared, A. S. M., Almansoor, H. H. A., Alyami, I. A. M., Alajmi, S. M., Ismail, M. A. A., & Abbas, M. A. S. A. (2022). Role of MRI in Diagnosis and Management of Stroke Cases; A Systematic Review. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(2), 99-103.

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