Ayurveda is a holistic science that emphasizes preserving and promoting the fitness of healthy individuals, besides providing a method for the treatment of diseases. Environmental pollution is a very major & attention seeker problem in the present time. Pollution is the process whereby the natural environment is introduced with contaminants that later cause change it. Pollution isan issue that has to be considered serious because it hurts natural elements that are responsible for life on earth such as water and air. Indeed without it, or if they were present on undesirable quantities, animals – including humans – and plants could not survive. Environmental pollution consists of a basic type of pollution, namely, air, water, and soil. Ayurvedic toxicology (Agadtantra) is a special branch of Astanga Ayurveda which deals with the identification of poison, types of poison from minerals, plant and animal kingdoms as well as artificial poisons and their treatment. The concept of air, water, and land pollution has also been discussed under various classical books and their role in causing epidemics and ruining of civilizations has been informed. In Ayurveda, our Acharyas has already described environmental health in form of Dincharya, Ritucharya, and Janpadodhvansa. The concept of Dushi visha has also discussed the cumulative toxicity. Regular exposure of pollutants like dust, gases, metals, chemicals, etc. accumulate in our body and act like Dushi visha. This review article is a preliminary approach to find out solutions for emerging environmental pollution problems through our ancient Science.
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