Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 2

Sealing Ability and Micro Leakage of AH26 and AH Plus Root Canal Sealers: A Systematic Review

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One of the main reasons endodontic therapy fails is the microleakage of the treated teeth. An effective apical seal is vital to the endodontic treatment outcome. Because of the ancillary canals and variances in the root structure, accurately sealing the root canal is a challenging and delicate process. The improper and partial obturation account for 60% of endodontic failures. According to other research, a poor seal is caused by insufficient flow of gutta-percha and its inability to bond to the walls of the dentin. Different techniques and materials have been studied to enhance and compare the sealing capabilities of root canal materials when new sealers are introduced to the market.

In summary, these studies suggest that both AH Plus and AH26 root canal sealers have some degree of microleakage, but the extent of leakage can be influenced by factors such as obturation methods and other experimental conditions. AH26 showed slightly higher bacterial leakage compared to AH Plus in one study, but it also exhibited greater resistance to Enterococcus faecalis in another study. The choice of sealer and specific characteristics may affect their performance in terms of microleakage and cytotoxicity.

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How to cite:
Almutairi NM, Aldawsari AA, Alshamrani HS, Fakeeha IA, Alshehri FH, Alshiha AA, et al. Sealing Ability and Micro Leakage of AH26 and AH Plus Root Canal Sealers: A Systematic Review. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(2):140-6.
Almutairi, N. M., Aldawsari, A. A., Alshamrani, H. S., Fakeeha, I. A., Alshehri, F. H., Alshiha, A. A., & Almutairi, M. F. (2023). Sealing Ability and Micro Leakage of AH26 and AH Plus Root Canal Sealers: A Systematic Review. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(2), 140-146.

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