Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 3

Self Medication in Today's Generation without Knowledge as Self Inflicted Harm

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The simplest definition of self-medication is the use of drugs (medications) without a doctor's prescription. These drugs are sold in pharmacies and other shops and are referred to as 'Over the counter' or 'Non-prescription.' This phenomenon is rapidly evolving. People take medicines without a doctor's permission for many different reasons. During clinical consultations, some people want to cut down on the time and money they spend. Other people don't bother to see a doctor at all and self-medicate. Other things to think about could be personal issues, such as the fear of losing a job because of a diagnosed condition, mental illness, pain relief, sadness, or ignorance. Self-medication may seem like a good idea at first, but it's important to think about the risks. Self-medication can lead to drug addiction, allergies, habituation, disease worsening, the wrong diagnosis and dose, incapacity, and even death, so it's important not to do it. This is why you should never try to take your own medicine. In this study, the "seriousness" of self-medication is talked about. This review will help everyone who wants to avoid taking their own medicine.

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How to cite:
Kavitha J, Sivakrishnan S, Srinivasan N. Self Medication in Today's Generation without Knowledge as Self Inflicted Harm. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(3):16-22.
Kavitha, J., Sivakrishnan, S., & Srinivasan, N. (2022). Self Medication in Today's Generation without Knowledge as Self Inflicted Harm. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(3), 16-22.

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