The present study was conducted on 1068 participants from Romania to assess the association between the practice of self-medication, the attitude towards medical services, and personal characteristics. In our survey, we used a questionnaire to collect data such as age, gender, residence, and level of education of the participants, their attitude towards medical services, satisfaction with doctors, and details on the practice of self-medication. The Crosstab-Chi Square test was used to assess the association between the experimental variables. The results indicate a specific relevant association between personal characteristics such as age, gender, residence, education, and self-medication practice. Research on self-medication but also health education policies must take into account the association between personal characteristics and various behaviors of the population on health decisions. Based on the analysis of the impact of personality traits we can predict the medical behavior of individuals in various situations. Given the global difficulties encountered in recent medical campaigns, a better understanding of the causes of skeptical or defensive attitudes of the population towards medical services could improve this situation.
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