Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 3

Systematic Review of the Effect of Aging on Health Costs

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Population aging is one of the most important economic, social, and health challenges in the 21st century. The increase in the rate of the elderly population increases the risk of health expenses for households with elderly people. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of old age on health costs. The results of the studies showed that old age can increase these costs by increasing long-term care and home care. However, by reducing the consumption of acute hospital care, it can reduce these types of costs. According to the results, the average health costs of the elderly in the studies reviewed in the United States were reported to be about $48,101 in 2015. Also, the average costs of inpatient services and the average costs of long-term care and home care were the highest with $19,003 and $12,583, respectively. Considering the high costs of hospitalization in the elderly, measures to reduce hospitalization cases such as establishing day care centers and home care instead of hospitalization should be included in the elderly health program as much as possible.

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How to cite:
Manole F, Marian P, Mekeres GM, Voiţă-Mekereş F. Systematic Review of the Effect of Aging on Health Costs. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(3):58-61.
Manole, F., Marian, P., Mekeres, G. M., & Voiţă-Mekereş, F. (2023). Systematic Review of the Effect of Aging on Health Costs. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(3), 58-61.

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