Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 3

Temporomandibular Disorders: A cross Sectional Study into the Knowledge and Awareness Among Saudi Arabian Population

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Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a group of clinical troubles and is considered one of the major causes of non-dental pain. TMD is characterized by a wide range of signs and symptoms associated with TMJ and other related structures that negatively affect the Quality of life (QoL). This study investigated the public knowledge about TMD among people living in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's main cities and provinces. An electronic survey was designed, containing 16 questions in Arabic and English. The survey was distributed via email and other social media platforms. Six hundred and four participated in the survey; 18 participants were excluded from the study as they refused to sign the consent form. The participants' ages ranged from 18-65 years old, and 68% ranged from 18-30 years old. The knowledge score about TMD was out of 9; the participants were categorized into three groups; group 1 had a low knowledge level, scored 1-3, and their percentage was 38%. Group 2 had an intermediate level of knowledge; their score was 4-6, and their percentage was 46%. Group 3 had a high knowledge level, scored 7-9, and their percentage was 16%. 50.5% of participants answered that females are at greater risk of developing TMD, and 60% believed that children could also have it. 22.7% of participants voted for dentists as a qualified specialty to treat TMD, and 74.5% chose physicians. The present survey data revealed inadequate knowledge about TMD. Awareness programs might be necessary for improving public awareness.

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Elsawy A, Alkhalaf R, Binnjefan S, Alkhalaf K, Alhumaidan S, Haridy R. Temporomandibular Disorders: A cross Sectional Study into the Knowledge and Awareness Among Saudi Arabian Population. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(3):116-21.
Elsawy, A., Alkhalaf, R., Binnjefan, S., Alkhalaf, K., Alhumaidan, S., & Haridy, R. (2022). Temporomandibular Disorders: A cross Sectional Study into the Knowledge and Awareness Among Saudi Arabian Population. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(3), 116-121.

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