Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 1

The Communicative Competence of Future Healthcare Specialists in the Context of Pharmaceutical Market Transformation

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Pharmaceutical market transformation sets high demands on the level of the management of educational process and the formation of professional competence of the future healthcare specialists particularly. The article aims at evaluating the effectiveness of modern technologies in the management of the formation of communicative competence of future healthcare specialists in the context of pharmaceutical market transformation. Modern technologies and web tools for organizing educational processes are analyzed at every stage of the practical class. The authors define the concept of “communicative competence” and distinguish its components: motivational, cognitive, and activity components. Changes in the levels of the components of communicative competence of the 295 students of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bohomolets, who are studying at the pharmaceutical department, before and after the experiment have been analyzed. Statistical analysis of data collected before and after the experiment of each component of communicative competence has shown significant differences between levels (excellent, very good, good, and satisfactory) in the control group and experimental group, which is the basis for the statistical significance of these differences when applying the modern technologies and web tools into the educational process, which can prove the effective management of the formation of communicative competence.

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Blahun S, Stuchynska N, Lytvynenko N, Khmil I, Serhiienko T, Hladyshev V. The Communicative Competence of Future Healthcare Specialists in the Context of Pharmaceutical Market Transformation. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(1):74-81.
Blahun, S., Stuchynska, N., Lytvynenko, N., Khmil, I., Serhiienko, T., & Hladyshev, V. (2022). The Communicative Competence of Future Healthcare Specialists in the Context of Pharmaceutical Market Transformation. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(1), 74-81.

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