Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 3

Using Fusion Circuit Training to Reduce Overweight (Obesity) Among High School Students

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The search for means to increase the effectiveness of physical education lessons in general education institutions, including the health-improving component, is relevant, since there is an increase in the number of overweight students, chronic diseases, along with regression in their level of physical fitness. One of the solutions to the above-stated problems is the creation of an educational process based on continuous circuit training since this organization allows you to increase the motor density of the lesson, which contributes to an increase in energy costs, in the use of energy substrates and, as a result, in weight correction. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of using continuous circuit training in physical education classes to reduce overweight (obesity) among high school students in general educational institutions. The results of the study proved that the usage of continuous circuit training in physical education classes can reduce the body mass index and increase physical fitness among high school students with varying degrees of obesity.

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Shcherbin DV, Egorov DE, Beloglazov MV, Keino AY. Using Fusion Circuit Training to Reduce Overweight (Obesity) Among High School Students. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(3):38-40.
Shcherbin, D. V., Egorov, D. E., Beloglazov, M. V., & Keino, A. Y. (2023). Using Fusion Circuit Training to Reduce Overweight (Obesity) Among High School Students. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(3), 38-40.

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