Archive \ Volume.14 2023 Issue 1

UV Spectroscopic Method Development and Validation of Rabeprazole and Levosulpiride in its Bulk and Dosage Form

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Logical strategy is the heart of drug investigation. The current work endeavored to foster precise, straightforward, and delicate techniques for concurrent assessment of rabeprazole and levosulpiride. The overlay range of levosulpiride and rabeprazole display λmax of 288 nm and 282 nm for LEVO and RABE. Standard adjustment bends for levosulpiride and rabeprazole were straight with connection coefficient (r) values in the scope of 0.9998-0.9997 at all chosen frequencies. The precision of the technique was affirmed by recuperation contemplated from the tablet at three distinct degrees of 80%, 100 percent, and 120% recuperation in the scope of 99.97-100 percent legitimizes the exactness of the strategy. Intraday and Interday accuracy was checked for UV strategy, and % RSD was viewed as under 2 for UV technique. The created strategy is a fast device for routine examination of rabeprazole and levosulpiride in the mass and the drug dose structure. Considering the possible general improvement of phony medication portions, the proposed strategy could be important for the quality control research offices in developing countries.

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Baravkar A, Shinde S, Jadhav P, Chopade V, Dudhgaonkar T, Lade P, et al. UV Spectroscopic Method Development and Validation of Rabeprazole and Levosulpiride in its Bulk and Dosage Form. Arch Pharm Pract. 2023;14(1):1-5.
Baravkar, A., Shinde, S., Jadhav, P., Chopade, V., Dudhgaonkar, T., Lade, P., & Chavare, M. (2023). UV Spectroscopic Method Development and Validation of Rabeprazole and Levosulpiride in its Bulk and Dosage Form. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 14(1), 1-5.

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