Archive \ Volume.13 2022 Issue 4

Vaccine Prevention of Tuberculosis in Children: Outstanding Issues Family Medicine Systems in Ukraine

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The main aspects of the problems of childhood vaccination in Ukraine are studied and the ways of their solution are presented. The results of the survey on the degree of awareness of parents and future parents about the feasibility of vaccination in childhood and determining the main reason for refusal of vaccination are presented and analyzed. A SWOT analysis was conducted and the strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages of the process of children’s vaccination in the opinion of their parents or future parents were defined. We have also established strategies: creation and implementation of preliminary express analyzes for vaccine tolerability; creation of an online vaccination schedule or a special application with notifications about vaccination dates individually for each child; development of a high-quality system of free vaccination and raising the level of information and sanitary and educational work of medical (pharmaceutical) institutions; increasing the responsibility of parents for refusing to vaccinate a child; a strategy for ensuring the availability of quality vaccines at the state level. The dynamics of tuberculosis incidence have been established and a study of the availability of anti-tuberculosis vaccines in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine has been conducted. Understanding the social problems faced by the patient can help not only to solve some of them but also to consciously approach the need for vaccination and revaccination of children.

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How to cite:
Aelita K, Roksolana K, Liliia B, Oksana L. Vaccine Prevention of Tuberculosis in Children: Outstanding Issues Family Medicine Systems in Ukraine. Arch Pharm Pract. 2022;13(4):17-23.
Aelita, K., Roksolana, K., Liliia, B., & Oksana, L. (2022). Vaccine Prevention of Tuberculosis in Children: Outstanding Issues Family Medicine Systems in Ukraine. Archives of Pharmacy Practice, 13(4), 17-23.

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